澳门新葡京官网学校, 位于老布鲁克维尔, 纽约, 拥有丰富的历史,可以追溯到1923年的成立.
由专门的教育工作者和当地有远见的人建立, 学校一直致力于为一代又一代的学生提供优质的教育. 几十年来, 澳门新葡京官网已经进化了, 扩大课程设置, 校园, 和设施,以满足不断变化的教育需求. 学校长久以来的使命始终如一:培养年轻的心灵, 培养对学习的热爱, 并逐渐灌输社区意识, 字符, 尊重, 反射, 和足智多谋.
拥有跨越近一个世纪的卓越传统, 澳门新葡京官网学校 continues to play a vital role in shaping the educational landscape of Long Island, creating a joyful and supportive school community for students from preschool through middle school.
杰西·N. 多尔蒂,艾德.D.
Continuity of devoted families; an active and forward-looking 董事会; a desire to optimize the 校园 and facilities only as educationally appropriate; generous philanthropic support balanced by a commitment to financial prudence ; and steady leadership to ensure appropriate growth while preserving "what's best".
The 澳门新葡京官网学校 is founded by merging two nascent home-based schools into one entity that is built on the school’s existing 校园. The School's main building is completed in the fall of 1923 and welcomes 139 children on opening day.
The name "Green Vale" is selected over "Wheatley Hills"; the space between the words was added to separate the school's name from that of the nearby town of Greenvale.
澳门新葡京官网高中唯一的11年级学生毕业了. 此后的整个60年代, 学校实行八年级男生毕业,九年级女生毕业的模式.
附属餐厅的建造费用为56 000美元. 男孩的更衣室占据了下面的空间,现在是晚班的房间. 新空间还用于每周的舞蹈课.
学校有坚实的财政基础, the School's founding shareholders donate 90% of the outstanding stock back to the School and 50 additional benefactors buy and donate the remainder and Green Vale gains its not-for-profit status.
夫人. Paul Pennoyer becomes the first female trustee; the board has included both male and female trustees ever since.
家长协会, 由九位母亲组成的委员会, 是为了讨论诸如学术规划之类的话题而建立的吗, 家庭作业, 还有着装要求.
现任校长的房子造价22美元,000, and what had been the headmaster’s house (the current Administration Building) is converted into classroom space.
第二次世界大战开始,入学人数随后下降了三分之一. 由于军事和人力的需要,男教师和工作人员很难留住. 尽管困难重重,但由于许多人的努力,澳门新葡京官网仍然开放. 到战争结束时,145名GVS校友为美国的战争效力,其中11人死亡.
随着二战后的经济繁荣和向郊区的大规模移民, GVS注册人数飙升至267人, 314 in 1946, 1947年是344人. All these new students (and faculty hired to teach them) require Green Vale to again address the issue of expanding its facilities and evolving the academic program to satisfy the needs of the post-war era.
董事会雇佣了Elmo Roper, 著名的市场分析师, 征求家长对澳门新葡京官网项目和目标的意见. 他的结论表明,父母优先考虑高学术水平, 小班授课, 还有优秀的师资队伍. 人们担心孩子们会有太多的家庭作业和压力, 以及体育项目的现状. 书中还提到要把澳门新葡京官网中学扩展到高中.
The first model sailboats are constructed by 5th Graders and a regatta is held at James’ Pond during the spring.
学校的第一次筹款活动开始,努力筹集250美元,帮助建造新的教室空间, 提供奖学金资助, 提高教师工资. 最终只实现了目标的40%, requiring that the plans be scaled back and a temporary middle school building be constructed adjacent to what is now the Administration Building. 这个“临时建筑”一直保留到1982年.
入学人数增至400人. 确保学校的财务状况, 理事会发起“圣诞呼吁”——今天年度基金的前身.
决定澳门新葡京官网应该有一个盾形纹章和座右铭. A contest is held among the graduating students; of the 59 entrants, 米米·高露洁(Mimi Colgate)以骑士头盔的表演获奖. Mr. 语言系主任约翰·格林(John Green)为校训加上了“Optima Durant”."
As the need for fundraising becomes more established, December brings the first annual Book Fair. This Fair eventually becomes the Christmas Fair, the Holiday Fair, and now the Fall Boutique. 20世纪80年代,书展成为一个单独的春季活动.
The tradition of each graduating student creating a personalized plaster plaque to permanently adorn the school becomes a rite of passage. These plaques were initially hung in the dining hall, but have since spread to the Iselin Center.
第二次筹款活动筹集了1美元,000,000 to create the current Auerbach Lower School East building and offices in what we now refer to as the Administration Building, 以及扩大教师的工资和福利.
The annual Green Vale "Juvenilia" is converted from being a soft cover literary revue to a traditional yearbook.
澳门新葡京官网家长托马斯·乔特成功地推动了澳门新葡京官网学生的入学, 还有其他私立学校的学生, 可以免费乘坐公立校车.
The school’s first mission statement is crafted to enumerate the educational goals of the faculty, 政府, 董事会, 和父母.
增加了学前班一年. 几年后,托儿所成为最年轻的年级.
董事会 President Oliver Iselin undertakes a very successful fundraising initiative to build a center for a library, 一个电影院, 视觉艺术, 音乐的房间, 科学实验室和教室. 收益还用于提高教师工资和建立捐赠基金.
Headmaster 彼得·克利夫顿 creates Green Vale's first tuition aid program to increase diversity. 自20世纪40年代以来,学校一直提供经济援助,帮助有需要的家长, but it was not until this time that the school actively recruited talented students from minority communities and offered affordable access to a Green Vale education.
澳门新葡京官网公布首个五年计划, a document which included wide-ranging recommendations for physical and educational improvements, 以及完成它们的计划.
凯雷Coash is named Headmaster and works to strengthen the curriculum as well as 艺术 and 田径项目.
六台电脑是由李女士捐赠的. Emily (Missy) Crisp and a curriculum in computer literacy and programming is established for grades 5-9. Missy Crisp还向家长们介绍了计算机的基本知识.
在春天, a large group from Green Vale attends a 纽约 Mets baseball game against the Philadelphia Phillies, 由此开始了大都会之夜的传统.
7月,“临时”中学大楼着火,烧毁了地面. Quick action from local firemen keeps the fire from spreading to the adjacent Lower School East and Administration building. 还有一个月就要开学了, trailers are brought in to serve as temporary classrooms while a new building is constructed to the west of the Iselin Center.
新的中学大楼开放,以取代被大火烧毁的那座. (今日高中)
Founders Day (today known as Kids Connect) begins with the intention of bringing together the Upper School students with the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten.
董事会 members spearhead a major remodeling of the Iselin Center to include a state-of-the-art computer lab (Kenny-Grace Technology Center) that is instrumental in building Green Vale's technology programs.
斯蒂芬·H. 沃特斯成为了学校的新校长,并致力于学校的现代化, 重点是加强数学和计算机程序,重新调整部门, 从四个部门变成了三个:幼儿期(N-K), 低年级(1-5)和高中(6-9).
澳门新葡京官网推出7美元,000,000 campaign “The Best Endures” to bolster the School’s endowment and create a dedicated Early Childhood Center and Lower School library, 两个新的科学实验室, 高中操场, 翻新哈里斯剧院和教室.
澳门新葡京官网推出了一款15美元的,000,000 Capital Campaign “85 Years of Excellence” to sustain and build the school’s endowment and greatly enhance the 校园 and program offerings with a multi-purpose athletic and events facility (now the 继续萎缩 Center), 东低年级学校的翻新工程, 新的停车场和交通区域,以及学校的合唱室和工艺室的翻新, 室外露天剧场和运动场.
斯蒂芬·H. 沃特斯在担任校长20年后退休,这是迄今为止任期最长的校长.
杰西·多尔蒂,艾德.D. 被任命为第十任校长.
低年级建筑内部进行了翻新, 外观修复, 安装了新的窗户和通风设备.
Creation and dedication of the Chris Shea Memorial Garden thanks to donations from current and past Green Vale families and alumni.