教育: 鲳鱼的学校, 洛亚诺克大学
大卫基尔德 is a visual artist specializing in African wildlife photography. 他与妻子和两个女儿住在肯尼亚的卡伦. 除了在纽约和伦敦举办的个人画廊展览, Gulden has published two books of photography and deep e personal connection to his environment: The Centre Cannot Hold and Nor Dread nor Hope Attend.
正如《葡京娱乐场官网》(The Wall Street Journal)所解释的那样. Gulden works in two great photographic traditions—that of Edward Curtis, 谁毕生致力于记录一种新葡京官网方式的消逝, 还有安塞尔·亚当斯, 谁想拍出不可磨灭的自然照片. 把它们结合起来是另一项了不起的成就."
“我对全球之声的记忆:那是美妙的绿色运动场。, 这是欢迎教室, 以及我遇到的许多最亲密的朋友. 全球之声点燃了我的想象力,让我踏上了通往另一个世界的道路.”"
Dhruv T. Kothari
Dhruv T. Kothari“21
教育: 霍奇基斯学校
“我非常感谢GVS优秀而有爱心的老师. 从小开始, they instilled in me that the true value of an education is much more than academic achievement. 它是葡京娱乐场官网角色和社区,这是GVS使命的两大支柱. Our responsibility is to serve others in our community and the world at large, 充分发挥我们的技能和才能. To be inclusive of others in everything I do and respect diverse viewpoints. I have learned that personal integrity matters more than popularity and that being kind is better than being cool. I also appreciate the life-long friendships and happy memories I made, which I will cherish forever.
通过学术, 艺术, 运动方面的追求, the GVS experience has taught me the life-long skills of critical thinking and curiosity. 它使我能够从每一次经历中学习,无论大小. 它培养了坚毅和仁慈的价值观. 它打开了通往新体验的大门, whether learning a new language like Latin or a new musical instrument like the Viola. It laid the foundation for pursuing advanced mathematics in high school. It taught me to be engaged and to apply lessons from history and humanities to modern-day events. 但, 最重要的是, 我懂得了做一个正直的公民的重要性, 在多样性中寻找统一, 找到能激发我们最好一面的朋友, 做正确的事, 尤其是在困难的时候.
我现在是康涅狄格州霍奇基斯学校的大二学生. 我从二年级到八年级都在GVS上学. 在全球之声, I attended public schools in the Mineola and New Hyde Park school districts from Pre-K to 1st grade.”
考特尼利诺, 07届
教育: 纽约大学朋友学院高中
当前位置: 世界历史和健康教师,在GVS中学实习
“作为一所每个孩子都真正为人所知的学校的校友, I can honestly say that the sense of belonging and community that was cultivated during my time at Green Vale has stayed with me. Knowing that my teachers were invested in my personal and academic growth made all the difference in my education and development.
当我选择从事教育事业时, I knew that it would be incredible to give back to the community that had given me so much. So, when the opportunity arose to join the faculty at Green Vale, I jumped at the chance. It has been an absolute joy to watch my own students flourish in the same supportive and inclusive environment that I was fortunate enough to experience. 学生们的成长和发展让我不断感到惊讶, 我很感激能够在他们的旅程中扮演一个小小的角色.
My first two years as a teacher were spent at Germantown Friends School in Philadelphia before moving back to New York to teach at Green Vale. 我一开始是四年级的老师, 然后是五年级的老师, and now I teach World History and Wellness as well as being part of the Secondary School Placement team. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be a part of such a special community and I am proud to be now able to give back as a teacher.”
视觉与媒体艺术 & 作者
谢尔比Renjifo '12
教育: 仁爱圣母学院,爱默生学院
当前位置: 视觉 & 媒体艺术制作,作家(正在写我的下一本书)!)
“GV provided a comfortable environment to learn and grow with some top tier teachers and a tight-knit, 尊敬的同辈群体. 我最美好的记忆是在这里度过的童年时光.
My experience gave me the confidence to not only pursue my dreams, but excel. I particularly want to praise the English department for nurturing my creativity; I still reread some of the essays presented in Mr. 木头的类!”
教育: 波特小姐学校,瓦萨学院
当前位置: 学生保育协会创办人
“我非常感谢澳门新葡京官网大学提供的优秀教育. 我在那里读一到九年级,那是二战期间. 我非常感激所有的教职员工. 他们每一个人都让我感到安全, 在学术上和运动上都激励了我. I feel very fortunate to have been a Green Vale student and genuinely enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities afforded by my time t在这里.
Green Vale gave me a strong foundation academically, athletically, and socially. 我仍然和我在那里认识的一些朋友保持联系. I felt well prepared for my next academic and athletic endeavors and have always been very grateful to Green Vale for helping provide those critical basic skills.”
Claudia DeBrun Boldyga
Claudia DeBrun Boldyga 1982年
教育: 劳尔梅里恩高中,特拉华州立大学
当前位置: 创始人 & 是知心伙伴慈善机构的主席
"I did not take the normal path that most of my classmates did with college and big careers but instead I focused on giving back to different charities that would speak to me throughout the years. It is very rewarding to be able to help others navigate different hardships in their lives and give them the confidence to move forward, 不要害怕, and to ask for help so that they can shine through any type of darkness."
“澳门新葡京官网学校将永远在我心中占据一个特殊的位置. I can honestly say that every year I had the same feeling when we would pull up to the main steps of GVS and it was pure joy. The campus has grown into such a beautiful school that it still makes me smile and beam with pride.
I was not one of the" high achievers" in school but I was a social butterfly and loved school and all the activities that GVS had to offer. They had so many wonderful traditions and I will treasure them forever. GVS就像一个大家庭,我在那里总是感觉很舒服. 我一直都知道能在GVS工作是多么幸运. 有什么理由不去爱呢?
I know that I am the person that I am today because of the guidance and life lessons that GVS and all the teachers taught me. I still remember all the teachers that I was lucky enough to have in my life at GVS: Mrs. 克拉克,多斯特小姐,克拉克先生. Zaloom,奥. 瓦妮妮、诺特利小姐、诺特利太太. Kaleis,夫人. 惠勒太太. 曼森,女士. 韦伯,女士. 瑟斯顿先生. 洛克先生. 西蒙茨,夫人. 鲍曼,学校的护士. Hotop...仅举几个例子. I feel that my education at GVS gave me the confidence to do anything.
When I entered Upper school my parents had decided to end their marriage and I was just crushed . It was a difficult time for me but I always knew that I had people that cared which is so important when you are young. 所有认识我多年的老师都很支持我. I can still remember how kind all the teachers were throughout my last year at GVS. (毕业后), I did very well throughout the years but I would always look back and wonder what would have happened if I did not have my big GVS family?
古典音乐作曲家 & 大学教授
教育: St. Paul’s School, Northwestern University, Yale University, Royal Academy of Music
当前位置: 作曲教授, Northwestern University; Director, 芝加哥当代作曲中心